Social Work

Periods of illness and hospitalization can be very stressful for patients and their families. The social worker’s job is to help people find solutions to difficult situations.

Vitalité Health Network social workers are part of the health care team. They are members of the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers.

A social worker’s roles

  • Finding the tools needed to deal with a diagnosis or illness
  • Finding accommodation for a patient and family
  • Finding financial support programs to pay for medications or transportation or meet any other need
  • Finding assistance programs (e.g. support groups, food bank) in the community
  • Planning discharge from hospital
  • Organizing family meetings to help people make decisions
  • Listening and providing encouragement at difficult times
  • Supporting people who are grieving
  • Offering emotional support and intervening in crisis situations
  • Organizing meetings with individuals, couples, and families after caregivers, the patient, or the patient’s family become aware of issues
  • Other

When people feel that a social worker can help them, they can speak to a nurse or doctor. The hospital’s social workers play a role as community development officers.