How to participate in a CHNA

Startup team

Join a small team to help plan the CHNA

The first step in an EBCS is to set up a launch team to identify the key people in the community who could take part in the evaluation.

This team consists of 1-2 community members, a Public Health representative, a Primary Health Care representative and an Engagement representative.

The commitment required is two one-hour meetings.

Community Advisory Committee

Join a committee to guide the assessment process

To ensure that the assessment is comprehensive, thorough and representative of the community being assessed, the creation of a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is essential.

The CAC is made up of 15 to 30 community members and may include community organizations, citizens, municipal and government representatives, and representatives from Vitalité Health Network and Horizon Health Network.

The CAC is responsible for fostering community engagement and providing advice and information on the health and wellness priorities of the community.

The commitment required is usually six two-hour meetings in person over a six-month period.

Focus Group or interview

Share your views about your community

Residents and professionals of the community are invited to share their views in a focus group or an individual interview.

These people have a good knowledge of their community or life experience to share.

The commitment required is a single meeting that may last from 30 minutes to two hours.


Have a question? Contact us at ebcs.chna [at]