You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Child/Youth/Adult Information Name of the person who is being referred Sex Female Male Address (if different from the legal guardian) Town / City Postal Code Telephone Date of Birth Medicare # Expiration date Legal guardian information Name of legal guardian (if applicable) Relationship to the referred person Address Town/City Postal Code Telephone/Contact #’s Cellular Email Preferred language French English Other Other Has your child been diagnosed with FASD? Yes No If yes, by whom? Did he/she receive a list of recommendations with the FASD diagnosis? Yes No If yes, could you please provide a copy with this request form? Does your child have other diagnoses and/or significant medical issues? Has your child been assessed by… (please include name and date of assessments) Psychologist Occupational Therapist Speech and Language Pathologist What type of services/ support/ education are you requesting at this time? Are there supports in place for your child at school? Are there supports in place for your child outside of school? E.g.: Community agencies, financial, etc. What is your Child’s current living situation? Please list your child’s strengths: Please list your child’s challenges In order for us to better serve you and your child, please answer the following question Behavior or learning difficulties YesNo Acts too young for his or her age? Acts too young for his or her age? - Yes Acts too young for his or her age? - No Cannot concentrate / poor attention Cannot concentrate / poor attention - Yes Cannot concentrate / poor attention - No Cannot follow directions or rules at home or at school Cannot follow directions or rules at home or at school - Yes Cannot follow directions or rules at home or at school - No No guilt after misbehavng No guilt after misbehavng - Yes No guilt after misbehavng - No Impulsive / acts without thinking Impulsive / acts without thinking - Yes Impulsive / acts without thinking - No Lying at home and outside the home Lying at home and outside the home - Yes Lying at home and outside the home - No Lack of focus Lack of focus - Yes Lack of focus - No Organizational difficulties Organizational difficulties - Yes Organizational difficulties - No Difficulty with task initiation Difficulty with task initiation - Yes Difficulty with task initiation - No Difficulty with transition Difficulty with transition - Yes Difficulty with transition - No Speech and language difficulties Speech and language difficulties - Yes Speech and language difficulties - No Learning difficulties Learning difficulties - Yes Learning difficulties - No Sleep difficulties Sleep difficulties - Yes Sleep difficulties - No Difficulty with coordination / motor skills Difficulty with coordination / motor skills - Yes Difficulty with coordination / motor skills - No Poor social skills Poor social skills - Yes Poor social skills - No Leave this field blank