About CHNAs

What does “CHNA” stand for?

What is a CHNA?

What is the purpose of CHNAs?

What is the objective of CHNAs?

Participating in a CHNA

Who can participate or contribute to a CHNA?

How can I participate in a CHNA?

What are the different ways I can contribute to my community’s CHNA?

How long does the CHNA process take?

CHNA results

How are the CHNA results used?

How can I access CHNA reports that have already been produced?

When will my community’s CHNA results be available?

CHNA communities

What do you mean by “community”?

What community am I in?

Has a CHNA already been done for my community?

Information requests

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns about the CHNA?