Vitalité Health Network recognized for its support of nurse practitioners

Vitalité Health Network, Friday, September 6, 2024 - Vitalité Health Network has distinguished itself by winning two awards in Healthcare Excellence Canada's Health Workforce Innovation Challenge. These awards highlight the Network's commitment to developing innovative approaches to supporting and retaining health care professionals. Since July 2023, the Network has been actively participating in this national initiative, which brings together health care organizations determined to meet today's human resources challenges.

Vitalité Health Network nurse practitioners at their annual banquet.

Over the past year, four major initiatives designed to support nurse practitioners (NPs) in their practice have been implemented:

- Mentoring program – Personalized support for new NPs to facilitate their integration, advise them on clinical management and support them in their day-to-day practice;

- Communities of practice – Quarterly meetings to discuss complex cases and share best practices;

- Continuing education – Regular sessions to maintain and develop skills;

- Networking – Biannual events in collaboration with the Université de Moncton to encourage the exchange of ideas and strengthen the sense of belonging.

These initiatives are a continuation of the actions undertaken in 2023, notably the creation of an NP advisory committee and the addition of a manager position dedicated to supporting and guiding the profession.

The Network has demonstrated that these strategies not only contributed to an 18% improvement in the NP satisfaction rate, but also helped maintain a 97.7% retention rate.

The Network has hired 12 new NPs since the start of 2023, with just one departure during this period.

"These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to meeting the needs of NPs and, as a result, improving access to care for our patients. The NPs expressed a desire to have a voice and to be better supported. It was essential to build an attractive working environment," says Michelle Godin-Henry, Manager of Primary Health Care and Nurse Practitioners.

She warmly thanks André Daigle, patient partner, and Véronique Landry, professor and responsible for the master's nursing program at the Université de Moncton, for their close collaboration on this project. 

The Network is now focusing on two priority areas: the creation of a policy on NP training and the intensification of efforts to recruit and support the next generation.
